Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent makeup, also called cosmetic tattooing or micro-pigmentation. Is the process of implanting ink beneath the surface of the skin by the means of sterile, disposable needle to produce the appearance of cosmetic make up.

How old do I have to be to get tattooed?

You must be 18 years or older to receive a tattoo service at Prism Permanent Cosmetics.

Ouch, is it going to hurt?

A highly-effective, topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure although pain threshold levels vary from person to person. Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

How long will it last?

Permanent makeup treatments are permanent and will not wash off, however, they will fade over time and may need to be refreshed with a follow up appointment. Frequency of sessions depends on a number of factors including: the pigment colour used (lighter colours fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure), and if any chemical peels come into contact with treated areas. Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your second session and make any changes necessary. Multiple sessions are normal for cosmetic tattoo procedures, with each new procedure requiring a minimum of 2 visits. Additional sessions will be charged according to our current pricing.

Am I going to need more than one treatment?

For most clients, a minimum of two treatments are usually needed, at least 8 weeks apart. With most procedures, the colour looks dramatically lighter after the first week. Some clients prefer this, while others opt for a bolder look. At the second session, we will assess the colour retention and make adjustments as necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly after the first session, do not worry! We can always go darker and add more density at your next appointment.

What factors will affect my treatment?

Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, so sunblock should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement.

The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds. The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold. The choice of colour: Some colours fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde colour will fade quicker than a dark brown colour.

The area of treatment: Enhancements to the face, for example, fade more quickly due to constant exposure.

Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Alcohol and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should not be taken prior to and following after procedure is complete.

What should I do before my procedure?

Lip blush clients avoid lip filler 2 months before your lip blush procedure you may resume regular lip filler treatments after the lip blush tattoo is completely healed. It is also recommended to take the prescription valtrex prior to your lip blush appointment to avoid any type of coldsore outbreak (please ask if you have any questions). Eyebrow clients if you have an ideal shape and colour in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your appointment. You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape you desire. If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please do so at least 3 days before your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we can remove them. If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14 days after the procedure. Eyeliner Clients false eyelashes must be removed at least 24 hours before your eyeliner appointment. The use of any lash growth serum like Latisse ect. must be discontinued at least 6 weeks prior to your appointment.  

We require our clients to avoid any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.

Do not drink any alcohol the night before and day of your appointment and limit the amount of caffeine you consume.

If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit as your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

How will I look immediately after?

Your permanent makeup will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first few days. This will gradually lighten during the complete healing process. Redness and swelling is minimal. Please view our detailed aftercare instructions.


What should I do after my procedure?

We have detailed aftercare instructions listed it is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best results.


I want my tattoo to last - tell me how!

A good sunscreen should be applied daily AFTER healing and is required to help keep colour true. As with any tattoo, sun exposure will make the colour soften faster.

Fading speed depends on your skintype, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment colour used, broken capillaries, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

If you are planning a chemical peel, laser treatment or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area.

Are cosmetic tattoos right for me?

If you have extremely oily skin, the hair stroke eyebrow technique (micro blade) will NOT work well for you. The constant production of oil will cause the hair strokes to heal with a diffused, softer look. Your end result will look more powdered than you would expect.

If you have little to no existing hair, your tattoo will appear more 2-dimensional than those clients who have more hair naturally.

If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment may fade sooner.

If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.

Your studio is cute! But is it safe?

Absolutely! We are Health Board certified and have certification in blood born pathogens we pride ourselves on having an immaculate and sterile studio space. We only use single use, disposable needles and supplies. This means that each set-up for each new client is discarded safely afterwards. Each station is thoroughly disinfected before opening and after each procedure throughout the day.